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The word game is quite the rage online

Published 11.01.22, 10:19 AM

Your screentime shouldn't necessarily lead you towards doom-scrolling. If you’re looking for a productive way to spend your quarantine, try out Wordle, the addictive spelling game that has everyone’s attention at the moment. The free-to-play browser game was designed by a New York-based software engineer named Josh Wardle who conceived it as a private word game between him and his partner. Wardle released it online last October and the game has reportedly acquired more than 300,000 players across the world.

Players need to guess and type out a five-letter word which is the Wordle of the day. Any incorrect letter will pop up in grey while the right letter will turn yellow and it will turn green if it lands on the right spot. Users get six tries to guess the word and the fewer tries it takes, the smarter they can proclaim to be on Twitter since the results can be shared on the social media platform.