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Nick Jonas can’t live without this chocolate bar

This organic Jonas Brothers-approved chocolate looks delicious

Published 28.03.22, 06:15 AM

Celebrities, they’re just like us. They have their cheats days and their comfort foods and sometimes their preferences lead us to the most delicious nibbles. Nick Jonas recently opened up about his favourite chocolate brand and we’re adding it to our shopping carts!

The actor revealed that he loves Hu Kitchen’s organic, paleo dark chocolate bars, known as Simple Dark Chocolate which are made with 70% cacao. Nick, who’s a Type 1 diabetic also talked about balancing his indulgences. “This is a backstage staple for us. Joe always had it in his room, and I was like, ‘That looks good,’ so I started eating it too. And now it is a must-have for me on the road,” he shared recently. 

“As a type-1 diabetic, I have certain limitations and can’t indulge too much, but I love it. I prefer just the straight-up chocolate,” he added.