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Do you have Arjun’s book recommendation on your June list?

The anthology has several noteworthy works translated from Bengali to English for literature lovers

Published 27.05.24, 09:12 AM
Image courtesy: @arjunchakrabarty/Instagram

If you want to dive deeper into Bengali literature but language is a barrier, there are good translated works that come to the rescue. For instance, The Penguin Book of Bengali Short Stories, an anthology edited by Arunava Sinha, is one book that has to be on your reading list and your library. And guess who else is reading it? Tollywood actor Arjun Chakrabarty.

Arjun recently took to Instagram recommending the book. “...It is a brilliantly compiled collection of masterful translations that makes you wonder how much literature, how much wonder, how many treasures we miss out on, solely because we speak and/or read a limited number of languages…” the reader wrote.

About the book, The Penguin Book of Bengali Short Stories cover wars, refugee crisis, love, famine, patriarchy to Partition and more, uncovering stories covering a century’s work. 

You can buy the book from here.

— Pooja Mitra

Also read: Tagore to Sankar to Amitav Ghosh: He’s the bridge between Bengali and English

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