Beat stress with Shiv Khera’s upcoming book, ‘Live While You’re Alive’
Learn practical ways to take control of your life with this interesting read
Published 30.12.24, 11:13 AM
Image courtesy: @bloomsburyindia/Instagram and @shivkhera_fc
Are you feeling anxious and stressed of late? Has it started to take a
toll on both your work and personal life? If so, this upcoming book from Bloomsbury
Publications could be just what you need to help you manage these issues.
In his new book, Live While You’re Alive, author Shiv Khera of You
Can Achieve More fame talks about the silent killer — stress, and also
explains how it affects our health in ways we often don’t realise ourselves. In
this book, he provides practical tips and solutions on how to take control of
stress and lead a healthier, happier life.
Take a look at this reel where the author himself discusses his latest
release. You won’t be disappointed and this book could be a game-changer for
you. Make sure to grab your copy as soon as it’s published.
—Debrup Chaudhuri
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