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'In Plain Sight' by Mohamed Thaver

This police procedural novel spotlights the grim reality of Mumbai’s crime world

Published 08.09.21, 12:07 AM

Narrated from the perspective of crime reporter Rohan, the novel expertly traces all the meticulous details that go into a crime investigation. In this case, the investigation deals with the unsolved murder cases of three minors. When Mumbai’s most fabled police inspector finds himself constantly outwitted by the killer, he and the rest of the police force must rethink their approach in order to nab the criminal and stop the murders.  

A Mumbai-based journalist who has been reporting crime for almost a decade now, Mohamed Thaver’s personal experiences are pivotal in bringing alive the characters of this novel. He manages to keep his audience hooked even as he delves into the nitty-gritty of a police procedural. With its crisp writing and attention to detail, this is a book that will keep you reading late into the night. 

- Upasya Bhowal