In pictures: April heatwave torments Kolkatans and animals at Alipore zoo alike

Splash in the pool or a snooze for the four-legged friends, while umbrellas, face splash and tree shade provide temporary relief in 40º Celsius-plus heat

My Kolkata Web Desk Kolkata Published 20.04.24, 06:10 PM
A zebra and its foal take rest under the shade of a tree in the humid weather on Saturday. The India Meteorological Department on Saturday issued heatwave alert of varied degrees for various parts of Bengal till April 24
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A zebra and its foal take rest under the shade of a tree in the humid weather on Saturday. The India Meteorological Department on Saturday issued heatwave alert of varied degrees for various parts of Bengal till April 24

Soumyajit Dey
Taking a snooze on a humid afternoon seemed the best for the king of the jungle to tackle the weather
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Taking a snooze on a humid afternoon seemed the best for the king of the jungle to tackle the weather

Soumyajit Dey
This elephant seemed the only one not complaining about the hot weather in the Alipore animal kingdom
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This elephant seemed the only one not complaining about the hot weather in the Alipore animal kingdom

Soumyajit Dey
Unable to bear the scorching heat, this Bengal tiger decided to go and take a dip at Alipore zoo
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Unable to bear the scorching heat, this Bengal tiger decided to go and take a dip at Alipore zoo

Soumyajit Dey
A cabbie splashes his face with water at Esplanade on a hot Saturday afternoon
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A cabbie splashes his face with water at Esplanade on a hot Saturday afternoon

Suvendu Das
A polythene sheet rolled down in an autorickshaw outside Sealdah station to protect passengers from the afternoon sun
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A polythene sheet rolled down in an autorickshaw outside Sealdah station to protect passengers from the afternoon sun

Suvendu Das
Passengers wait for buses under the shade of the foot overbridge near Sealdah flyover
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Passengers wait for buses under the shade of the foot overbridge near Sealdah flyover

Suvendu Das
With temperature breaching the 40-degree mark, yellow taxis at Sealdah find no takers
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With temperature breaching the 40-degree mark, yellow taxis at Sealdah find no takers

Suvendu Das
A girl quenches her thirst on a scorching road in front of NRS Hospital and (right) a couple seek relief in an umbrella and a water bottle
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A girl quenches her thirst on a scorching road in front of NRS Hospital and (right) a couple seek relief in an umbrella and a water bottle

Suvendu Das and Arnab Dutta
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