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‘God of War’ PC Features trailer

The game’s foray into PC marks the end of console wars

Published 10.12.21, 07:49 AM
Image courtesy: YouTube

David Jaffe’s action-adventure game franchise God of War is making the leap from PlayStation to PC and Sony has just dropped a new trailer showcasing the PC features alongside some other crucial enhancements. Kratos, the demi-god son of Zeus and the game’s protagonist is seen living a mortal life in an unforgiving, monster-infested Norse world and must teach his son how to fight and survive.

God of War's debut on PC is a significant moment in gaming culture and may just mean that the console wars are over since Sony is finally handing over its most critically acclaimed property to other platforms. 

The PC version of God of War will boast striking visuals, higher-resolution shadows, improved screen-space reflections, the addition of GTAO and SSDO, and much more. The PC version will also support Nvidia's DLSS and Reflex technologies, and AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution.

God of War is coming to PC on January 14, 2022,

- Ujjainee Roy