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Mayur Jumani-Abhijeet Sawant team up for the cover of ‘Lafzon Mein’

Mayur’s latest reel is a part of his ‘1 Take Series’

Published 09.08.23, 09:26 AM
Image courtesy: @mayurjumani/ Instagram

A lot of us remember the time when Abhijeet Sawant won the first edition of Indian Idol followed by the release of his song, Lafzon Mein in 2005. Music producer Mayur Jumani gives us major throwback vibes as in his latest reel does a one-minute cover of the song featuring, you guessed it, Abhjeet Sawan himself. With Aryan Tiwari on the guitar, the reel takes off with Mayur on the piano and Abhijeet singing along. As the video progresses, Mayur is seen jumping from one instrument to the other, including a cajon, a beat pad and a keyboard. We don’t know about this rendition being better than the original but it sure has a melodious and feel-good vibe to it. Don’t miss the looping used in the video, both musically and visually.

— Urvashi Bhattacharya

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