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Jeremy Renner’s songs

Does ‘Hawkeye’ sing as well as he can shoot?

Published 30.11.21, 08:29 AM

Have you been warming to Clint Barton in the Hawkeye series, recently launched on Disney+ Hotstar? In that case, here’s something you can add to your week’s playlist. Unbeknownst to most, Jeremy Renner taught himself how to play the piano, guitar, and drums in his youth. In fact, he has said that music is his “first love”, years before he had ever considered becoming an actor.

Renner’s sound is characterised by strong, raspy vocals, a memorable chorus and chords that hark back to 90s rock ballads. Hear the angst in Ghosts and Roses, shout along to Main Attraction with your friends, put Sign on your running playlist or tune in to The Medicine if you’re feeling pensive.

Long before Renner attained international fame for his performances in The Hurt Locker, and high-action series like Mission Impossible and The Avengers, he was crooning his way through many a scene in some of his early work. Find him heroically singing American Pie on his way to death in Love Comes to the Executioner, or drawling The Good Ol’ Rebel in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.