On my second trip to Bali, I visited places I had not been to the first time around. I discovered some new gems, and realised once again why I had fallen in love with the place on my first visit. First stop: Munduk. Around 90km from the airport, the drive took around three hours. The place gave me Darjeeling vibes. It was a misty evening with a nip in the air. The hills around were not as high, but greener. Certainly not a favourite with year-end revellers, this place was quiet, peaceful and beautiful, much to my joy
All photographs by the authorDarjeeling has its tea gardens and Munduk its rice fields. Step-farming of rice is among Bali’s most identifiable images. People usually go to see them around Ubud — where I had been the last time — but this huge valley in Munduk seemed just to sit there for the pleasure of my eyes. This picture was taken shortly before sunset — such a peaceful vibe
Durian is banned on most airlines for its extremely strong smell. I’ve had durian over the years of my travels in Southeast Asia. I didn’t hate it but was not a fan either. It’s a cousin of the jackfruit, which I liked more. But when I saw durian at this local store in Munduk, I decided to buy one. The woman cut one open for me, and it turned out unexpectedly tasty. I’d never had a durian that good and (right) a durian tree at my Munduk hotel. You can see them hanging
Banyumala Waterfall is a short motorcycle or taxi ride from Munduk. If you can ride one, I recommend you take the motorcycle. It is more fun and easy to stop anywhere on the way if you feel like it. You need to buy a ticket to enter the waterfall, but it’s worth it. I loved the tropical rainforest atmosphere and certainly, the swim under the waterfall