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‘Gift a garden’ to your loved ones on their special day

How New Town’s Kavita Bhanuka learnt to make money out of her passion

Brinda Sarkar | Published 04.02.22, 01:38 PM
Kavita Bhanuka admires the Anthuriums in her driveway.

Kavita Bhanuka admires the Anthuriums in her driveway.

Brinda Sarkar

When she started gardening the only plant she knew of was Rose. Now, four short years later, Kavita Bhanuka has learnt so much in this field that she’s even started a business out of it. Her driveway is lined with foliage, seasonal flowers, herbs and in her balcony she keeps the plants that need the most care. Her terrace, however, has a colourful section of what it all started with— Roses.

My first brush with gardening was going to the nursery and bringing home a good number of Roses. It was much later that I realised these plants are among the toughest to maintain. It didn’t help that my driveway doesn’t receive direct sunlight.


So now I’ve switched to easier plants like Aglonium, Coleus, Areca Palms…

Right now I’m growing seasonals like Petunias, Marigolds and Chrysanthemums but one of my favourite plants is the Neon Pothos, a variety of Money Plant. In fact I’m keen to start a collection of different kinds of Money Plants.

I’ve tried growing plants in recycled plastic bottles, learnt to make my own flower pots during the lockdown and also made self-watering containers. This is a system of filling a big container with water and placing a smaller container inside it. The smaller one holds the plant, and has a hole at the bottom for a wick to absorb water from the larger pot. This system has proved effective and helpful for me as I don’t have time to water so many pots frequently.

I had always wanted to start a business but could never find a field I was passionate about. But recently I’ve started a business to “gift a garden”.

As per the occasion— birthday, baby shower or retirement — I’m customising a pot with plants, pebbles, dolls and decorations to look like a miniature garden. And since my real objective is to promote greenery, I gift buyers a free Thai Basil plant with every purchase.

Thai Basils propagate easily and I use fresh ones from the garden to spruce up my soups and pastas too.

As told to Brinda Sarkar

If you have a garden you tend to yourself, send your address and contact number to The Telegraph Salt Lake, 6, Prafulla Sarkar Street, Calcutta 700001 or email to

Last updated on 04.02.22, 01:38 PM

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