Be a responsible rider, reduce risks on bike trips

With proper knowledge and safety gear, bikers can enjoy the thrill of long trips

Bishwabijoy Mitra Published 25.05.23, 04:51 PM
A balanced motorcycle during a long ride

A balanced motorcycle during a long ride Bishwabijoy Mitra

Bikers wait for the summer, especially for May and June, to vroom off to North Bengal before the monsoon arrives. Some motorcyclists, however, prefer the time between May and September for more adventurous trips to Ladakh and Spiti.

Motorcycle trips, long or short, are not free from danger. A middle-aged couple from south Kolkata’s Naktala died in a highway accident in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. They were heading towards Ladakh on a bike.


“Long-distance motorcycle trips involve considerable risks. That’s why it is called adventure sports. However, with some precautions, the risks can be minimised. It may not be possible to make them entirely risk-free but we can certainly reduce the risk factors,” said Subrata Bhattacharya, a seasoned biker.

Veteran riders say some basic precautions are mandatory before one embarks on a long-distance trip. “Research, proper maintenance of the vehicle and investing in proper gear are as important as having proper riding skills,” said Manas Nandy, a senior rider from south Kolkata.

Research is must

Manas Nandy during ladakh trip last year

Manas Nandy during ladakh trip last year Manas Nandy

Experienced riders vouch that there is no substitute to proper research. As soon as someone chooses a destination, he/she should start reading up about the place. “The weather condition, the distance between two points, road conditions, and availability of hotels should be at the rider’s fingertips when one embarks on a trip,” said Nandy. Along with that, the rider should know about the ability of the vehicle. “There is no hard and fast rule that one should ride heavy-duty bikes. There are many riders who have ‘scaled’ mountains on scooters. But it is not wise to overstrain your vehicle. That’s why knowing your vehicle’s strength is very important,” said Sudipta Halder, a Durgapur-based scooter rider.

Maintain your vehicle

As soon as one learns about the capacity of a vehicle, keeping it in optimal condition is equally important. “A malfunctioning machine can ruin the party. So, one should check and keep the vehicle travel-fit before stepping on the gas,” said Halder.

Invest in safety gear

Srijit Majumder with proper riding gear and helmet

Srijit Majumder with proper riding gear and helmet Srijit Majumder

Along with a quality helmet, one must buy proper riding gear and a well-balanced motorcycle luggage system. “Last year, a group of riders set out for North Bengal. Near Farakka, a rider was exhausted and felt sleepy while riding and met with an accident. He escaped with minor bruises, thanks to proper gear and outfit. On the other hand, his friend riding pillion had to go through eight surgeries on her legs as she was not wearing the right kind of safety outfit. I can give you a number of examples where riders have escaped with minor injuries as they were protected,” said Srijit Majumder, a south Kolkata-based rider.

Similarly, a good quality luggage system is also crucial. “Whether it is saddle bags or pannier boxes, they should be of good quality. The balance of the vehicle should not be disturbed because of the luggage,” said Majumder.

Do not exhaust yourself

When you embark on a long trip, remember it is not a race and there is no need to be a spent force. “If you do that, the risk of meeting with an accident(s) goes up. During the research and planning stage set your goals as per parameters and try to stick to your asking rate. Have a few days as a buffer in case you do not reach the destination on time,” said Nandy. According to the riders, with proper breaks, one should not ride more than 500 km a day. “Proper sleep and hydration are equally important,” said Majumder.

Obey traffic rules and nature

Srijit Majumder at North bengal

Srijit Majumder at North bengal Srijit Majumder

There are several highway rules and one should be a responsible rider. “Rules of stopping on the highway, speed limits, diversions, and laws regarding lanes are extremely important. If you maintain these rules, you reduce the risk of accidents,” said Bhattacharya. Similarly, the rules of riding on the plains and travelling on mountains are different. One should obey the ground rules strictly. “Riding on the right side of the road is even more important on mountains. One slight mistake can lead to a fatal accident,” added Nandy.

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