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Dance drama on Meera Bai

Gunjan Dance Academy, an Odissi dance institute in the city, presented a dance drama titled Meera: A Divine Love Story at Sarala Bhavan here on Saturday evening.

Lalmohan Patnaik Cuttack Published 29.01.18, 12:00 AM
TWIST & TURN: Members of Gunjan Dance Academy perform at Sarala Bhavan in Cuttack on Saturday. Pictures by Badrika Nath Das

Cuttack: Gunjan Dance Academy, an Odissi dance institute in the city, presented a dance drama titled Meera: A Divine Love Story at Sarala Bhavan here on Saturday evening.

Mentor of the academy and dancer Meera Das choreographed the performance.

The audience was enthralled with the presentation, which was woven with dance, passion and devotion, based on the life of Meera Bai.

"The presentation by the Gunjan Dance Academy was a testimony to its forte in creating something unique and innovative within the frame work of Odissi grammar," said Alaka Patnaik, a member of the audience.

Devotional love

Meera Bai was a valour princess, born in the early 16th century in a royal family of Rajasthan. She is known for her devotion for Giridhar Gopal or lord Krishna.

Through the dance drama the audience was told how she was presented with a beautiful Krishna statue by a saint and how she fell for the charm and beauty of the lord.

The story was by Kedar Mishra and the music was by Sukata Umar Kundu. "Meera: A Divine Love Story exemplified our tradition and human sensibilities," said Das who is disciple of Kelucharan Mohapatra. In the dance drama, she recreated her mentor's style with her own vision and imagination, carrying forward the rich legacy of Odissi.

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