Weather forecast for Wednesday (22.1.2025)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Wednesday are likely to be around 26°C and 16°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 5.19pm
Sunrise: 6.18am
Yesterday’s weather update (21.1.2025)
Maximum: 26.7°C (+0.9)
Minimum: 14.8°C(+0.7)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 87%
Minimum: 47%
Till 11.15am, Kolkata Traffic Police have not posted a list of programmes that may affect the city’s traffic on Wednesday (22.1.2025)
Traffic alert around Eden Gardens
Goods vehicles on roads around the Eden Gardens, where India will face England in a T20 match from 7pm on Wednesday, will be restricted from 4pm till the dispersal of crowds, police said. Auckland Road and Goshtho Pal Sarani will be closed to all traffic from 4pm on Wednesday to 1am on Thursday.
Vehicles will not be allowed to park on Goshta Pal Sarani, Auckland Road, Government Place East, Rani Rashmoni Avenue, Old Court House Street, Dufferin Road, Red Road and Mayo Road from 4pm to 1am. Buses and minibuses from the south headed for BBD Bag will be diverted via RR Avenue towards Government Place East, Old Court House Street and BBD Bag.