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Lady long legs is a bong!

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SAIONEE CHAKRABORTY Published 14.01.14, 12:00 AM

Just three years into modelling and Rikee Chatterjee is already a success story. The 5’11’’ ramp-scorcher from Jamshedpur, the youngest of three kids, has walked for all the fashion biggies including Tarun Tahiliani, Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Wendell Rodricks. She also features in this year’s Kingfisher calendar. Rikee, who loves “working hard and then going for long breaks, instead of partying and socialising”, spoke to t2 from Mumbai on her “no-regrets” journey so far.

How long have you been modelling?

It’s been three-and-half years. My parents are from Asansol, but I have been born and brought up in Jamshedpur. I used to travel often to Calcutta when I was a kid as Jamshedpur is very close to Calcutta. My father (Subrato) wanted me to pay attention to studies, so we travelled very little after a point of time. My father used to be in advertising with Anandabazar Patrika. Then he moved to marketing with Tata Steel. That’s why we shifted to Jamshedpur. Later, I moved south when my dad got posted in Vizag in 1997. From there we moved to Hyderabad and from Hyderabad I moved to Bangalore for work. And then finally to Bombay.

Why did you choose to start your career in Bangalore?

I modelled in Bangalore for a bit because it is difficult as a freelancer when you don’t want to join an agency, to first settle down in Bombay and then look for contacts or work with the right people. So, I moved to Bangalore because it was close to Hyderabad. I also had a few friends in Bangalore. So, it was easy for me start there. And Bangalore has a good fashion scene… good choreographers. So, if you start from Bangalore, people will automatically get to know about you. Things fell into place by god’s grace. People loved me on the ramp. I have always got positive feedback... like I walk like an international model. That gave me the confidence to move to Bombay.

Which was your big break?

The Delhi Fashion Week (Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week) was my first break. A good break! People noticed me and there was no looking back after that.

Did you always want to be a model?

I loved watching FTV. I used to sit and watch FTV more than anything else with my elder brother (Shatadru, 29). And he would tell me to go for pageants. I was in the seventh or eighth standard then and I would tell him, ‘Are you mad?! I have to focus on my studies.’ But, yes, I always wanted to be a part of the fashion industry somehow. I knew what I wanted.

Who encouraged you the most?

My parents have always been supportive. So there was no problem in getting into this profession. They think that if I have decided on something, it’s worth a try.

What acted as the final push?

When people started noticing me and telling me how beautiful I looked on the ramp… it was a blend of everything actually that acted as a confidence-booster. People kept saying it was rare for Bengali girls to be so tall… long legs. I am known for my legs (laughs), the longest legs. In fashion, I am the leggy queen! (Laughs) When I say something in Bengali, people ask me, ‘Oh! Are you Bengali?’ They are quite shocked. Sabyasachi Mukherjee (designer) asked me, ‘Are you a probashi Bangali or a mixed breed?’ I laughed and told him I was a pure Bong. It’s always like this.

So, is it all in your genes?

From my mother’s side, we are all genetically tall and thin. My mama (uncle) is very tall. Also, from my father’s side… people are 5’9’’ or 6ft. I love sports and have always been into sports more than studies. I was into athletics more than anything else, but I was also into basketball and volleyball. I don’t work out, but whenever I get the time, I run a lot. I don’t go to the gym because I don’t like it. For my height, I cannot get thinner than this. I have seen models work out so hard that they lose their feminine charm.

The average Bengali girl has a lot of inhibitions about wearing a swimsuit…

I have always done a lot of swimsuits (shoots). I have no inhibitions. I have shot for Shivan & Narresh last year. I do a lot of shows too. I too love wearing it! It is not only Bengalis… it is everywhere. You start wearing bikinis and when those pictures start coming out, firstly, the parents need to be very supportive. They have to fight against society because the society makes it worse. It looks down upon you. Obviously, every girl wants to wear a bikini or say a short dress. They often don’t get the support and that’s why they don’t come out of their shell. In the beginning, when my dad saw me in a bikini, he asked me, ‘Can you ask those Google people to delete the pictures?’ I had told my mom (Gouri) about the pictures and she has always been supportive. I told my dad that he should support me and not society! (Laughs) That was the only conversation we had (about me doing swimsuit shoots). After that he has been very supportive. He keeps collecting my articles and he is proud of me.

I would not only tell the girls but also their parents that they should stop worrying about society. It is about you and it is your life. You need to come out of the box and explore before you come to a judgement about things. The way movies portray the fashion industry, everything is wrong. It is up to an individual. Stop judging people!

Atul Kasbekar’s (the Kingfisher calendar lensman) tweet must have been special…

Yeah! I was doing Lakme Fashion Week when I got a call from Atul’s wife (Vandana) asking me if I was interested to be part of the Kingfisher calendar. I thought she was talking about the model hunt. I auditioned and they liked me. Among all the six girls, I was the only ramp model. Every one else was a pageant winner. We shot in Philippines. First we went to Boracay and then we went to Cebu. There wasn’t a routine. It was more of a vacation. The crew was awesome. There was no diet that I had to follow. When Atul saw me, he asked me to put on some weight. I love eating! I love my junk food. So, when I went to Philippines, there was nothing of that sort. Everything was pretty bland. Also, I am more into vegetarian food. I don’t like fish. Being a Bengali, I don’t like fish! I had a blast. I would swim. I used to drink a lot of water. It does bloat you, but I do drink a lot of water. May be that is why my skin is nice.


Favourite designers

Tarun Tahiliani, Wendell Rodricks, Sabyasachi Mukherjee...

Personal style

Tomboyish. Mostly, you would find me in a pair of rugged jeans and a ganjee. At parties you will see me in leggings and nice printed shirts. I love accessories… bracelets and neckpieces.

Would love to walk in

Paris. It’s another dream that I need to accomplish.

Relationship status

Single. The man I would date should respect women. My parents are very important to me. He should care for my family as much as I do.

Name: Rikee Chatterjee

Born in: Jamshedpur

Brought up in: Vizag and Hyderabad

Birthday: June 23

Vital stats: 34-26-34

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