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Relevant theme backed by a moral

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M.C. THOIBA Published 11.09.09, 12:00 AM

The conflict between a man and his working wife is the subject of Seema Films’ latest production, Yumleima Lamleima (Wife and the Other Woman).

The Manipuri video film released on September 4 is the fourth to be produced under the banner of Seema Films. The comedy stars seasoned actors like Olen, Seema and Devita.

Olen, a popular comedian, plays an educated, jobless youth, Budhi, who impersonates someone to become the driver of a minister.

His acting skills and dialogue keep the audience laughing throughout the film.

Budhi wins the heart of Sanahanbi, the minister’s only daughter, played by Seema. Seema, a seasoned actor, is also the producer and co-director of the film. The other director is Homen D.Y.

Budhi, being a good man, later realises that what he did to become a driver was wrong and gives up the job after disclosing his wrongdoing.

But Sanahanbi cannot forget him and the two finally get married despite opposition from the girl’s family. Sanahanbi is shunned by her parents for marrying a jobless man.

With help from friends and her father’s connections, Sanahanbi becomes a contractor and the couple finally make enough money to open a private bank where Budhi is the manager. Sanahanbi is mostly out on her contract assignments.

Budhi misses her and this leads to a conflict between the two. In his search for peace of mind, Budhi establishes a relationship with a loanee of his bank Sanatombi (played by Devita).

Sanahanbi learns about the affair and this leads to frequent fights between the couple. Sanahanbi returns to her parents’ house but returns to her husband after she realises that her neglect was the cause of her husband’s waywardness. The couple lives happily ever after.

The theme chosen by Seema, who co-authored the script with H. Subhash, is a departure from the routine poor girl meets rich boy story or vice versa.

The background songs held the audience spellbound.

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