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Certified nutrition coach Sami Osman shares healthy diet tips

ABP Digital Brand Studio Published 29.08.22, 09:13 PM

Who doesn't know Sami Osman? One needs to be living under a stone to be unaware of his existence! This man has helped numerous people live healthy lives. And by healthy, we mean both mentally and physically healthy. Sami Osman is a certified sports and nutrition coach who believes that healthy eating habits can lead to a wonderful life.

But what are healthy eating habits and how should one maintain them? We know you are baffled by these questions, and therefore, Sami Osman has shared a few tips for the same.

1. Eat Slow, Chew More

Your appetite is all controlled by hormones. Hormones signal to your brain whether you’re full or not. Therefore, Sami Osman suggests eating slower. This may give your brain the time it needs to understand that you’re full. So, eat slowly and chew more!

2. Include More Protein

Protein's primacy in healthy eating never goes unnoticed, right? It's often considered one of the most filling macronutrients. Agreeing to this, Sami Osman guides you on including more protein in your bowl. Adding items like dairy products, nuts, peanut butter, eggs, beans, etc. will keep you full for longer.

3. Bake or Roast

Healthy eating has a lot to do with how you prepare your food. Therefore, Sami Osman explains that you bake and grill instead of frying, deep-frying, and grilling. Doing the latter produces several toxic compounds, and adding those is the least you want to do.

4. Shift to Wholegrain

Whole grain or refined grain? Well, Sami Osman stands by the whole grain. He says that they are rich in fibre, B vitamins, and minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese. Moreover, whole grain also has various health benefits.

5. Drink Water

Water keeps your body hydrated and flushes out toxins. In fact, studies suggest that 50% of our bodies are made up of water. Therefore, drinking enough water is extremely important for a healthy body.

We hope that Sami Osman's health guidelines might help you. For more such tips, you can follow him on social media and also ask to get a personalised diet plan.

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