Novoneel Chakraborty on his latest book ‘A Thousand Kisses Deep’

The author's latest 'romantic suspense thriller', explores the complexities of love, life, and destiny

Sukanya Basu Published 03.09.22, 02:12 AM
Author Novoneel Chakraborty with his new book A Thousand Kisses Deep

Author Novoneel Chakraborty with his new book A Thousand Kisses Deep

Best-selling author Novoneel Chakraborty, who has published 15 books till now, is popular with readers of all ages. His works like Whisper to Me Your Lies, Roses Are Blood Red, Forget Me Not, Stranger are among the popular books from Novoneel’s desk. His latest “romantic suspense thriller”, A Thousand Kisses Deep, explores the complexities of love, life, and destiny.

You have written a romance-thriller fiction novel. What is your inspiration behind choosing such a genre?


A Thousand Kisses Deep, my latest romantic-thriller novel, is my gift to the readers of my second novel, That Kiss In The Rain, which is the prequel to the current one. I’d written that 13 years back. The continuous love that my readers gave to the first book and to its characters compelled me to write the sequel for them. Also, the first book had an open ending, which was disturbing to almost every reader who read and loved the book. So, I took it as a moral obligation to give the journey of the characters of the first book and bring them to an agreeable finish line.

The name of your book is unique. Why did you choose this?

I wanted the title of this book to somewhere ring similar with its prequel. And yet wanted to have a title which had the vibe of a love saga to it. And that’s exactly what the book is as well.

You are no stranger to writing romance novels. Why do you think this book stands out amongst the rest?

Firstly, this is my first sequel to an old book of mine. Never tried that before. Also, even though I’m more known for my thriller novels and matured relationships unlike my other books, this one talks more and specifically about the nature of the man-woman relationships post their marriage.

Amongst the women who were in love with Haasil, whom would you like to shed the light on most and why?

The one who bore the brunt of being in love with Haasil is Pallavi. She is not only the protagonist of the story but from her POV, somewhere she is Haasil’s nemesis as well. And the irony is that he never intentionally or directly harmed her to deserve her wrath. But such is the plight of unrequited fatal attraction, which happens from Pallavi’s side towards Hassil since the first day she hits puberty. Lot of people move on but not Pallavi. Every heartache that stems in her life has its source in the interpretation of her rejection from Hassil.

Do you think that relationships nowadays are unnecessarily complicated, or has it been that way always? Is it why you decided to write about such relationships?

Modern relationships always excite me as a storyteller. I think we as humans are also getting complicated with the passing of time. And that reflects in the way we treat our relationships.

We all are evolving along with the society. While on one hand certain societal rules are fading, some others are gaining prominence. All these do play a part in shaping our personalities, which thereby affects our perspective of the relationships we handle in daily life.

Do you see this book being adapted into a movie?

I’m one of those authors who dreads the idea of getting his works adapted into a movie because it is a different version altogether. And living a story and characters for so long, then watching them unfold in ways which are contrary to what you had thought is unbearable.

Having said that, if any sensible film-maker would present a vision of the book which excites me, then I sure shall welcome it. This, along with its prequel, has all the elements of a commercial movie.

Tell us a bit about your process of writing...

My writing process is all about seeking sense in chaos. Before starting to write, I first make mental notes. Then, I write down random pointers about the story. Only when I see some semblance of sense in all of it is when I start physically writing it in a novel form. And it doesn’t matter how many notes I make; I do leave a portion of my writing to stream of consciousness, so I don’t limit myself too much with the prior notes or outline.

What are you working on currently?

Just finished a twist-a-chapter kind of racy thriller. Looking forward to seeing its release sometime later in the year.

The continuous love that my readers gave to the first book (That Kiss In The Rain) and to its characters compelled me to write the sequel for them. Also, the first book had an open ending, which was disturbing to almost every reader who read and loved the book. So, I took it as a moral obligation to give the journey of the characters of the first book and bring them to an agreeable finish line

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