Weather forecast for Saturday (18.1.2025)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Saturday are likely to be around 25°C and 15°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 5.16pm
Sunrise: 6.19am
Yesterday’s weather update (17.1.2025)
Maximum: 24.5°C (-1.4)
Minimum: 15.5°C(+1)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 94%
Minimum: 54%
Till 11.15am, Kolkata Traffic Police did not post any list of programmes that may affect the city’s traffic on Saturday (18.1.2025)
Traffic Notification in connection with the TWENTY-20 CRICKET MATCH, 2025 AT EDEN GARDENS, KOLKATA on 22.01.2025.
Traffic Notification in connection with 'Real Time Final Dress Rehearsal for Republic Day Parade’ on 24th January, 2025 and 'Republic Day Parade’ on 26th January 2025.
Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapur, will hold a workshop on Swami Vivekananda and ‘The Spirit of Start-ups’ on Saturday.