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UP court jails man for 25 years for raping minor, uploading video on social media

A Ballia court convicts Vikas Pasi of raping a minor and posting the video online, sentencing him to 25 years in prison and fining him Rs 30,000

PTI Ballia (UP) Published 24.05.24, 03:52 PM
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A local court here convicted a man in a year-old case of raping a minor, making video of the act and posting it on social media, the prosecution said on Friday.

The court of Special Judge Pratham Kant, after hearing the arguments of both the parties in the case on Thursday, sentenced the accused Vikas Pasi to 25 years imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs 30,000, the prosecution said.


Giving details of the incident, Superintendent of Police (SP) Dev Ranjan Verma said that Vikas Pasi, a resident of Hridaypur village had raped a minor, a year ago. He made a video of the act and posted it online.

Based on the complaint of the minor, a case was registered against Vikas Pasi under section 376 (rape) of the Indian Penal Code as well as relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act and the IT Act, the SP said.

After the investigation, the police filed a charge sheet against Vikas Pasi in court, he said.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by The Telegraph Online staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.


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