A stringent round of judging by 14 eminent environment experts, academics and activists spread over 60 hours across the length and breadth of Kolkata has led to 12 pujas being selected for the final round of judgment of the Serader Sera Nirmal Pujo Puroskar 2023 to be held on Sashthi and Saptami.
The Greenest of the Green Puja Awards The award has been constituted by nonprofit Environment Governed Integrated Organisation (EnGIO); and is supported by The Bengal - Greening Bengal and Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA). My Kolkata is a partner in the initiative.
The final list includes seven Regional Toppers, one Best Runner-Up and four Hall of Fame pujas. The toppers have been selected based on the ranking average score model, meaning whoever gets the highest ranking based on the jury scoresheet with 1 as the best ‘ranking average score’. Tridhara Sammilani, Shibmandir, Suruchi Sangha and Chetla Agrani have made it to the Hall of Fame based on their long-term performance in the awards.
The Plurals takes a look at the regional leaders of 2023

Ultadanga Bidhan Sangha Surajit Purkait
Ultadanga, Beleghata, Talla
Regional topper: Ultadanga Bidhan Sangha
Ranking average score: 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 54-year-old puja got the top billing with its theme, Du Mutho Chaal (a handful of rice) focusing on peasants, has been a crowd-stopper.
Jury-speak: “It’s amazing how they have created a real paddy field right in the heart of the city. It is the result of several months of hard work,” said Subhayan Dutta, a faculty of Environmental Science at Asutosh College.
“They have also done well in waste management, including plastic disposal,” said Jhumpa Ghosh, a social entrepreneur .
Jadavpur, Garia, Santoshpur
Regional topper : Santoshpur Avenue South Club
Ranking average score: 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 56-year-old puja with its theme depicting the natural elements of this world as universal mother has been well-executed. The puja tries to drive home the point that humankind will not survive if we tinker with Mother Nature
Jury-speak: “Apart from the theme, the use of natural materials in the pandal is praiseworthy,” Sasanka Dev, an environment activist, said.
“It was a close contest among three pujas but Santoshpur Club nosed ahead with overall performance,” said Sudipta Bhattacharya, who works in waste management.

Santoshpur Avenue South Club Sumit Chakrabarty
Bhowanipore, Kalighat, Kidderpore
Regional topper : Hindusthan Park Sarbojonin
Ranking average score : 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 93-year-old puja with its theme ‘Pran’ talks about the cry of trees being felled by humans for vested interests; an extremely important agenda in this era of climate change .
Jury-speak: “The theme is not only extremely important in this era of environmental crisis but has also been well-executed,” said Pritha Bhattacharya, a professor in the Environmental Science department of Calcutta University. .
“As you enter the pandal premises, you are greeted with numerous potted plants; but more importantly they have showcased so well the way trees are being butchered,” said Sujata Basu, an environmentalist working with a non-profit.

Behala Club Sarbojonin Durgotsav Committee Sahid Hossain Siddiqui
Behala, Haridevpur
Regional topper : Behala Club Sarbojonin Durgotsav Committee
Ranking average score : 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 78-year-old puja with its theme ‘Bhat Kapor’ underlines the importance of basic necessities such as food and clothes in life
Jury-speak: “The theme largely embraces the concern for the fringe livelihoods of the society and also underscores the importance of protecting the environment; hence it came out best in the region,” said Buroshiva Dasgupta, a senior journalist and academic.
“It’s a very well-executed social theme. The puja also prioritises waste management issues,” said K.S, Adhikary, representative of a city-based nonprofit.
North Kolkata
Regional topper: Hatkhola Gossainpara Sarbojonin Durgotsav Samity
Ranking average score: 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 86-year-old puja with its theme Sneher Mrittika (Loving Earth) has beautifully stressed the importance of soil in sustaining the world; an environmental issue that is rarely highlighted.
Jury-speak: “The theme has beautifully showcased the importance of soil in sustaining the world; moreover the club has performed well in the sector of environment and social responsibility,” said Punarbosu Chowdhury, a professor of Environmental Science at Calcutta University. He was echoed by jury member Sudipta Bhattacharya.

Pally Mangal Samity Shibu Haldar
Kasba, EM Bypass, Dhakuria
Regional topper: Pally Mangal Samity
Ranking average score: 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 63-year-old puja has traced the slowly vanishing art of alpona that involves drawing or painting by hand intricate designs with white colour on a surface. Alpona is considered a happy and auspicious ritual.
Jury-speak. “Apart from the theme, its execution and other issues, what attracted me is the involvement of so many energetic and engaging youths in the puja; a must to save environmental degradation around us,” said Angsuman Das, an agricultural expert.
“Really nice; a vanishing social custom has been revisited. All these customs are related to the environment in a broader sense,” said Mrinmoy Chattaraj, who works with a climate organisation.

Rail Pukur Sarbajanin Sri Sri Durga Puja Sammilani S K Azharuddin
Salt Lake, Baguihati
Regional topper: Entally Sarbajanin Sri Sri Durgapuja
Ranking average acore: 1; unanimous topper
Why it made the cut: The 87-year-old puja has underlined the importance of trees in our life, particularly the importance of recycling tree parts, and made several installations with trees.
Jury-speak: “Recycling has been beautifully demonstrated,” said Mahalaya Chatterjee, an Urban Economics expert at Calcutta University.
“They have done very well in the overall environmental sector, particularly in creating awareness,” said Maumita Bandapadhyay, a Botany professor at Calcutta University.
Best Runner-Up (Overall)
Rail Pukur Sarbajanin Sri Sri Durga Puja Sammilani with its theme focusing on perils of plastic pollution.