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Prashant Kishor doubles down on Modi-win prediction: ‘Keep water handy on June 4’

The election analyst took to social media to hit back at critics after videos of his interview with Karan Thapar begin doing the rounds

Our Web Desk Published 23.05.24, 12:32 PM
Prashant Kishor

Prashant Kishor File picture

Election analyst Prashant Kishor on Thursday doubled down on his prediction in recent interviews that the Narendra Modi-led BJP will return to power with a resounding majority in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

Kishor’s challenge came after footage of his interview with Karan Thapar was widely circulated on social media. In the clips, Kishor is shown drinking water.


“Drinking water is good as it keeps both mind and body hydrated. Those who are RATTLED with my assessment of outcome of this election must keep plenty of water handy on June 4th,” Kishor tweeted on Thursday morning.

He added: “PS: Remember, 02 May, 2021 and #West Bengal!!”

In the clips of his interview with Thapar, Kishor is seen being asked about his purported comments in which he had predicted a rout of the Congress in the Himachal Assembly elections.

In the clip, Kishor is seen denying that he ever made such comments about the Congress’s poll prospects in Himachal Pradesh.

The Congress went on to win 40 of the 68 seats in the Himachal Assembly.

In the clip with Thapar, KIshor vehemently denies making any such prediction.

On Thursday, fact-checker Mohammad Zubair posted a screenshot of what he said was Kishor’s tweet declaring that the Congress would be routed in Himachal.

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