Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management (EIILM)

Apavrinu Vayam — a star-studded academic and cultural fest by EIILM

Subhadrika Sen
Subhadrika Sen
Posted on 24 May 2022
11:08 AM
Actress Mimi Chakraborty clicks a groupfie with the students.

Actress Mimi Chakraborty clicks a groupfie with the students. Source: EIILM

Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management (EIILM) hosted its academic and cultural fest
From paper presentations to a fashion show, there was something for all students

Apavrinu Vayam, an academic and cultural fest hosted by the Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management (EIILM) at Eco Park, New Town, on April 29, struck a perfect balance between academics and culture.

Students of EIILM pose after a performance at Apavrinu Vayam.

Students of EIILM pose after a performance at Apavrinu Vayam. Source: EIILM

Over 1,400 students and faculty members attended the fest at the Taal Kutir Convention Centre, Eco Park. The event started with the director and chairman of EIILM, R.P. Banerjee, addressing the students. Academic research presentations by the students on topics such as ‘Let the Leaves Grow Greener and the Flowers Blossom Sharper’, ‘Winning the Factors of Global Disharmony’, and the ‘Forces of Retardation in Accomplishing the Objectives of Individual and Collective Living’ followed.

“Management is all about managing people, materials, finances and resources. Unless you have the complete participation of people within the domain of your work you cannot have the complete objective of managing society or organisations. From that perspective, creating collectiveness and homogeneity is very important and that is the essence of Apavrinu Vayam,” said Banerjee.


Celebrity sessions were the most awaited part of the fest. Actors Ishaa Saha and Gaurav Chakrabarty addressed the students and singer Anushka Patra enthralled them with her melodies. Actor Soham Chakraborty, music director Jeet Gannguli and director Rajdeep Ghosh spoke about their upcoming movie, Kolkatar Harry. Actresses Mimi Chakraborty and Ayanna Chatterjee and director Mainak Bhaumik promoted their new film, Mini.

Later in the day, students from various departments put up cultural performances like Ganesh Vandana and a play called Neck-Less. “I penned the script for the play. It highlights how our generation ignores the surroundings and is deeply involved with technology. Twenty-two of us got together and put together the play in 10 days,” said Himadri Shekhar Mukherjee, a final-year Master’s of Business Administration student of EIILM.

Students come together for a group photo.

Students come together for a group photo. Source: EIILM

‘Wish that all minds turn into the mind of a mother’ — was the theme of the Fashion Show, which saw 47 participants. “I have learnt time management, how to carry oneself with confidence, how to form a team and manage it successfully, how to coordinate with our peers, and how to communicate effectively,” said Amit Sarkar, an MBA student of EIILM.

Last updated on 24 May 2022
11:08 AM
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