Led by Abhishek, Trinamul leaders, supporters all pumped up for 'Dilli Chalo' protests

Party plans symbolic stir at Gandhi memorial on Monday, day-log dharna at Jantar mantar on Tuesday; BJP leader Suvendu talks tough cites Delhi Police 'lathis'

The protesters holding placards at Rajghat, Delhi Twitter / @sunnyBirbhum

Sougata Mukhopadhyay
Calcutta | Published 02.10.23, 12:47 PM

All geared up for a two-day protest programme in the heart of the national capital in demand for the state’s pending dues allegedly withheld by the Centre, Trinamul Congress leaders, workers and deprived beneficiaries are camped in Delhi since late Sunday evening amid Delhi Police’s tight security cover around Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial at Raj Ghat and at the Ambedkar Bhavan where the protestors are temporarily housed.

TMC General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee being welcomed by party leaders on his arrival for the party's two-day protest against BJP-led Central government’s alleged apathy towards West Bengal, in New Delhi. PTI

A section of Trinamul leaders under MP Abhishek Banerjee’s leadership are expected to hold a symbolic protest at the memorial on the occasion of the Mahatma’s 154th birth anniversary after paying their respects to the Father of the Nation. With no official permission from Delhi Police to hold such a demonstration at the memorial where leaders and dignitaries from across the world are visiting on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, it’s unclear still how the protestors would be treated by the security personnel.

“We are demanding Bengal’s rightful dues withheld by the Centre and one of the major schemes where the deprived grassroots beneficiaries are of Constitutionally-guaranteed schemes, the 100-day work scheme, is named after the Mahatma,” said Sudip Bandyopadhyay, Trinamul leader at the Lok Sabha, on Sunday.

“It makes every sense for us to hold a symbolic protest at the memorial of one of the tallest leaders of this nation,” Bandyopadhyay added in justification of the scheduled protest programme on Monday.

The party alleges that Delhi has withheld some Rs 15,000 crore payable to the state under the MNREGA and the PM Avaas Yojna schemes while the total dues to the state currently stand at over RT 1,15,000 crores. The idea, of course, is to bring a regional political issue into the national forefront and intensify opposition to the BJP in the run-up to the upcoming general elections.

Meanwhile, leaders of the Bengal unit of the BJP led by the party’s state president Sukanta Majumdar have also reached Delhi and are expected to hold a press briefing at noon to provide a counter narrative to the Trinamul’s allegations.

The party has been consistently maintaining that funds to the welfare schemes were stopped on account of rampant corruption and siphoning off of public money in the personal pockets of TMC leaders and workers and that they would be released as soon as the state provides utilization certificates of the funds disbursed so far.

A parallel dharna to highlight the issues of corruption and women’s security in the state has been planned by the BJP’s Mahila Morcha at the base of the Gandhi statue in Mayo Road, central Calcutta, on Monday.

Some 50 buses reportedly carrying some 3,000 deprived job card holders for the MNREGA and other rural benefit schemes left Calcutta on Saturday afternoon. Save one, which met with an accident and returned, the rest of the vehicles have beeing arriving in Delhi since late Sunday night after covering a distance of some 1,600 km.

Abhishek Banerjee has also taken with him family members of three victims of a mud wall collapse incident from Bishnupur in Bankura. The idea is to present the incident as a consequence of the Centre’s stoppage of rural housing scheme funds.

The protesters, alongside the party leadership spearheaded by Banerjee, is scheduled to hold a day-long dharna at the Jantar Mantar premises on Tuesday. The party leaders are reportedly also planning to take them out on a tour of the under-construction Central Vista and the new Parliament Building in Lutyens’ Delhi sometime later on Monday to highlight where public money is being spent.

Late Sunday evening, Banerjee held a meeting of party leaders at MP Saugata Roy’s residence in Delhi to deliberate upon strategies for the two-day protest and backup plans in the eventuality of resistance from the Delhi police. Emerging from that meeting, Banerjee demanded the arrest of Giriraj Singh the Union panchayat and rural development minister who had turned down the request for an audience from the protestors.

“The Trinamul can engage in any kind of drama they want. They need to only remember that there is no Bengal police to protect them there and that the sticks wielded by Delhi Police are six feet long,” said Suvendu Adhikari, Bengal’s Leader of Opposition.

Abhishek Banerjee Trinamul Congress (TMC) MGNREGA Funds
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