Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Review: Is It Good Enough To Pass A Drug Test?

ABP Digital Brand Studio
Published 17.10.22, 10:24 AM

Quick Fix is a brand of fake urine that’s been used to pass drug tests for over a decade. But drug testing has moved on massively in that time, so is Quick Fix still good enough? In this Quick Fix review, you are going to find out.

I’m going to cover everything you need to know to answer the question around whether Quick Fix still works well enough to pass even basic pre-employment drug tests.

I’ll tell you what’s in Quick Fix, and how it compares to what a drug test will look for. You’ll find out whether it’s still stands up against its competitors, and also I’ll tell you the full instructions using Quick Fix for drug tests, including a few twists of my own which improve your chances of passing.

What Happens At A Modern Drug Test & What They Look For In A Valid Sample

The overwhelming majority of drug test carried out in the USA every year are unsupervised, with only a very small minority usually relating to probation and law enforcement that are supervised, meaning somebody will observe you submitting the sample. That makes Quick Fix perfect to use.

When you hand the sample over, they will check the temperature which is usually on a strip on the side. It has to be between 90°F 100°F within four minutes of handing over for it to be a legal sample. So the first trick of using any fake urine is the heating source has to be good enough to keep it stable between those temperatures.

They will then do validity testing. They will look at pH and specific gravity, and see if it contains the basics of urea, uric acid, and creatinine. They will also potentially look at the sample to see if it seems to be valid. If it doesn’t seem valid, they will flag it to go straight to the full mass spectrometry – gas chromatography digital analysis process.

But most of the time, it will then just undertake basic immunoassay testing. This is where they test the sample on each panel of the drug tests, so for most people it will be the basic five panel test that covers looking for cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, opiates, and amphetamines.

That’s where Quick Fix from Spectrum Labs comes in. For years it’s been good enough to deal with everything I’ve just described, but how does it stack up now?

How Complex Is Quick Fix Urine?

Taking all of what I just said into account, how complex is Quick Fix, and will Quick Fix Urine work under that scrutiny?

Quick Fix has the following characteristics:

But that’s all that Quick Fix is. When I say it looks like human urine, it sort of does, but a couple of videos online claiming to be from lab assistants, claim that they can spot it because it looks slightly green up against the light. However, as I say, that is anecdotal, and plenty of people seem to be passing with it so it can’t be that big a deal.

However, for a higher level of scrutiny, especially a full gas chromatography analysis, Quick Fix is going to potentially fail. But for basic analysis, it’s probably good enough to pass.

How To Use Quick Fix For Drug Tests

Let’s continue this Quick Fix Review by quickly running through exactly how to use Quick Fix for drug test the best way:

  1. My first top tip, that you won’t find mention many other places, is to always activate the heatpad before you microwave the fake sample. That means it will be warm and emitting a steady heat, which puts less stress on it.
  1. Quick Fix is premixed, so just give it a gentle shake, and then put it in the microwave. Just microwave for about 15 seconds, then shake it, and check the temperature strip about one minute. Keep doing this in small increments until the temperature strip shows a reading of close to 100°F, but without going over.
  1. Strap the Quick Fix sample to the heatpad using either the supplied elastic band, or another top tip for me, some tape because that is more stable.
  1. Tuck the sample in between two pairs of underwear, and then make sure you are wearing baggy jogging bottoms to disguise that fact.
  1. Make sure you take a flask of hot but not boiling water with you. Just before you go into the lab building, look at the sample temperature. If it’s dropped below 90°F, or is close to doing so, you should pour some of the hot water over it to raise the temperature a few degrees before you go in.

So as you can see, Quick Fix instructions, even with my tips for getting more certainty out of it, are pretty straightforward. But taking the extra steps I’ve outlined above definitely does really help to increase your chances.

The Million Dollar Question: Does Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Work?

So does Quick Fix work for drug tests? The basic answer is yes. But that’s not the whole story.

The problem with Quick Fix is that it’s basic in formula. It also not 100% convincing if you look at it under close visual scrutiny.

But, on the other side of the coin, for a basic pre-employment drug test that is cheap to commission, and where they aren’t going to care that much about close scrutiny, Quick Fix should still be good enough to pass that type of low-level drug test.

Also, Quick Fix is one of the few brands of fake urine out there that doesn’t use biocide as a preservative.

A few years back there was a huge spike in fake samples getting detected, and it was reported anecdotally online. It soon became obvious that something in certain brands was being detected by the labs. The money is on biocide is a common preservative in many brands.

As Quick Fix doesn’t contain biocide, it’s one of the few brands that you can trust and not get detected during validity checks that may contain a check for that artificial preservative type.

Review Conclusion & Where To Buy Quick Fix At The Best Price

So the conclusion of my Quick Fix review is that it still works for drug tests, but it’s probably not good enough to pass close scrutiny, or a more complex drug test in a basic pre-employment one.

In terms of where to buy Quick Fix, then (link) this is where I have bought it from in the past. It’s a great price, with the larger 3 fluid ounces size of Quick Fix only costing $39.99. Always buy the larger size where possible, because some labs ask for a 3 fluid ounce sample, rather than a smaller 2oz sample size, to catch out people with fake urine.

If you are going to use Quick Fix for a drug test, make sure you only buy it from an authorized seller. Don’t ever buy things like detox drinks and fake urine from marketplaces like Craigslist, eBay, or Amazon. There are so many sites out there selling out of date products, or outright fakes.

Click here to buy Quick Fix Urine

I also have to tell you that there are better alternatives if you’ve got the money to spend, or you want more certainty about passing.

Sub Solution is the number one fake urine brand out there for complexity and quality. It costs $80, so twice as much as Quick Fix, but you’re getting so much more for your money.

The same company, Clear Choice, also do an upgraded version now called Quick Luck. That’s $100, and is basically a premixed version of Sub Solution that also slightly more complex, and contains heatpads in the kit as well as heat activator powder.

That’s the difference here as well. Quick Fix uses a heatpad, and a heatpad can fail.

But Sub Solution and Quick Luck use that incredible heat activator powder. You don’t even need to prepare the sample in advance, and with Quick Luck being premixed, that combination makes it perfect for on-the-job drug testing as well.

Just imagine, with premixed Quick Luck, you can tap in the heat activator powder and have a valid sample in about 90 seconds. That’s perfect for hiding in a car, a lorry cab, or a locker.

And if you have to go to a testing facility to submit a sample, rather than messing around with flasks of warm water or panicking, simply tap in about one third of the heat activator powder. That will then agitate the liquid and raise the temperature. 1/3 is usually in enough to get it between 90°F 100°F.

Click Here To Buy Sub Solution Or Quick Luck

So Quick Fix at $40 could be good enough. If you’re on a budget, or at a basic pre-employment drug test, especially for a part-time job you not that worried about, or you can’t get your hands on anything better, then it’s the best of the basic bunch.

However, if you want ultimate certainty, go for Sub Solution. If you want ultimate certainty plus complete convenience, then $100 Quick Luck is the ultimate fake urine on the market right now.

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