AIBE 19 Answer Key 2024 Objection Window Closes - Result Update

The Bar Council of India (BCI) is set to close the objection window for the All India Bar Examination XIX (AIBE 19) Answer Key 2024 on January 10, 2025. Candidates who appeared for the AIBE 19 exam and wish to raise objections against the provisional answer key must do so through the official website (
The AIBE 19 provisional answer key for the December 22 exam was published earlier on the official website, where candidates could access the PDF directly, without logging into their account. Following this on December 30, 2024, the Council opened the challenge submission facility for students who wished to submit objections by paying a fee of ₹500 per submitted objections.
Once the objection period ends, BCI will review all objections submitted by the candidates and release the final answer key 2024 based on the evaluations. Based on the released answer key, the AIBE 19 result will be declared shortly afterward.
Candidates are advised to check the official website regularly for updates on the release of the final answer key and results. They must ensure that all objections are filed before the deadline since no objections will be accepted once the window closes.
The exam, conducted by the Bar Council of India (BCI), is a national-level selection procedure that tests the knowledge of law graduates and awards them a "Certificate of Practice," allowing them to practice as an advocate in India.