Study abroad

Why Studying Abroad in Germany is the Best Decision to make in 2024; Finally answered

Nancy Jaiswal
Nancy Jaiswal
Posted on 27 Oct 2023
11:03 AM

Source: Unsplash

German and international students at most public universities in Germany pay a nominal semester social fee, known as the
Germany's commitment to accessible education ensures that students can pursue their academic goals without the burden of tuition fees

As the world reopens its doors to students, the allure of studying abroad is stronger than ever. With the promise of expanding your horizons and advancing your career, it's no wonder that millions of Indian students chose to study abroad by the end of 2021, a number that continues to rise. This article explores the top 4 benefits of pursuing higher education at a renowned international university and why studying abroad, especially in Germany, might just be the best decision you make in 2024.

1. Study and Save: High Academic Standards with No Tuition Fees

When it comes to affordability without compromising on academic excellence, Germany stands out. German and international students at most public universities in Germany pay a nominal semester social fee, known as the "Semesterbeitrag," which is approximately $440 per semester. This fee covers access to university libraries, sports clubs, and public transportation.


Germany's commitment to accessible education ensures that students can pursue their academic goals without the burden of tuition fees. Even living in Germany is cost-effective, with health insurance for students averaging around $165 per month and student accommodation options starting at approximately $500.

2. Makes You More Employable

Studying abroad isn't just about academic growth; it's a pathway to becoming a more employable and globally aware professional. Employers highly value the courage, adaptability, cultural awareness, and international perspective that studying abroad fosters. This makes you a sought-after candidate in the job market.

Top tech companies and businesses offer attractive pay packages and prestigious job roles to international degree holders, recognising the unique skills and experiences they bring to the table.

3. Diverse range of International Degree Programs

Germany's educational landscape is a treasure trove of opportunities. With over 21,000 degree programs, including more than 2,000 international programs, you can find a program that perfectly aligns with your academic interests and career goals. For instance, the University of Cologne exemplifies this diversity, offering a wide range of degree programs across its six faculties:

  • The Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences
  • The Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  • The Faculty of Law
  • The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • The Faculty of Medicine
  • The Faculty of Human Sciences

While many undergraduate programs require proficiency in the German language, numerous graduate programs are taught entirely in English, providing international students with a wide array of options to choose from.

4. Opens Up Career Prospects Abroad

Studying in a foreign country can open up a world of job prospects, especially if you're interested in pursuing an MBA or a career in thriving businesses. Germany, with its renowned business centers, is a prime destination for such aspirations.

To sum up, studying abroad, particularly in Germany, offers students an array of advantages, from financial savings and enhanced employability to diverse degree programs and international career prospects.

Last updated on 27 Oct 2023
11:04 AM
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