St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata to organise Monopolise- a blend of finance and entrepreneurship

The Xavier’s Finance Community is one of the biggest and most upstanding societies in St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. They believe in imparting knowledge and experience in the diverse field of finance through teamwork and cooperation. They host multiple events in a year that truly test and train the financial acumen of students.
From 28 January to 1 February, the Xavier’s Finance Community will be organising Monopolise, a business simulation event. The event focuses on emulating a real-life business environment. This event empowers students to enhance their decision-making, strategic and critical-thinking skills. Monopolise will create a platform where the performance of the participants will be directly influenced by the decisions their competitors and they make. The participants have to adapt to the constantly changing circumstances and battle for their survival. The event will instill in students certain essential qualities that are necessary to be successful entrepreneurs in today’s world by allowing them to build a business from scratch. Monopolise has been inspired by the iconic board game Monopoly, but it takes the concept of the game to a whole other level and blends it with the intricacies of finance and entrepreneurship.
The preparation for Monopolise is going on at full swing. The entire community with 150 members across all years, is working in close collaboration with each other. The work has mainly been divided among three departments - Public Relations, Marketing and Operations. The Public Relations department has been busy partnering with companies and engaging with students. On the other hand, the Operations team is handling the logistics and backend tasks for the event. The Marketing team has worked tirelessly to endorse the event in a rather creative way. The advertising for the event is being conducted both online as well as offline. The entire campus of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) is immersed with the feel of the event with monopoly-themed marketing collateral. The teams have been working for months in perfect synergy hoping to make Monopolise a grand success.
The enthusiasm among the community members to make Monopolise a wonderful experience for those participating is truly unparalleled. The zeal within the college students to display their acumen is at an all time high. The registrations had begun from 17 January and the last date to register is till 26 January. The students can register through the registration desk setup on the campus or access the link through the community’s instagram page. More information about the event will be available at Xavier’s Finance Community’s social media handle and through community members themselves.
The Xavier’s Finance Community wishes all participants good luck for the event and hopes that all participants have a memorable time.