BLACK EAGLE (Sonu Mishra) in 28s. Worked well.
KING`S RETREAT (Ankush) in 46s; (400m) 30s. Moved well.
POWER RACER (Rb) in 47s; (400m) 31s. Easy.
SPORTING TRAINER (V Jaiswal) in 49s; (400m) 32s. Easy.
MAGNIFICO (Rb) and MORANO (P Tejeshwar) in 49s; (400m) 32s. They were level. Both were easy.
OH MY SWEETHEART (Rb) in 58s; (600m) 43s; (400m) 28s. Impressed.
DRAGON`S GOLD (Rb) and 14 2YRO TOTAL GALLERY - MEGARA (Ankush) in 59s; (600m) 44s; (400m) 30s. The former was 2 ls better. The former worked well.
ALDILA (Imran Chisty) in 1-3s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 32s. Easy.
CROWN WITNESS (Nikhil Naidu) in 2-8s; (600m) 49s; (400m) 33s. Easy.
FOREST FRAGRANCE (Vinay Jaiswal) in 2-13s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 32s. Easy.
Outer Sand
BLACK EAGLE (Sonu Mishra) in 28s. Worked well.
KING`S RETREAT (Ankush) in 46s; (400m) 30s. Moved well.
POWER RACER (Rb) in 47s; (400m) 31s. Easy.
SPORTING TRAINER (V Jaiswal) in 49s; (400m) 32s. Easy.
MAGNIFICO (Rb) and MORANO (P Tejeshwar) in 49s; (400m) 32s. They were level. Both were easy.
OH MY SWEETHEART (Rb) in 58s; (600m) 43s; (400m) 28s. Impressed.
DRAGON`S GOLD (Rb) and 14 2YRO TOTAL GALLERY - MEGARA (Ankush) in 59s; (600m) 44s; (400m) 30s. The former was 2 ls better. The former worked well.
ALDILA (Imran Chisty) in 1-3s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 32s. Easy.
CROWN WITNESS (Nikhil Naidu) in 2-8s; (600m) 49s; (400m) 33s. Easy.
FOREST FRAGRANCE (Vinay Jaiswal) in 2-13s; (600m) 48s; (400m) 32s. Easy.