Scholarship 2022

Scholarship Programmes To Apply for in August 2022

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 16 Jul 2022
15:33 PM
A number of good scholarships have their last date coming up in August 2022.

A number of good scholarships have their last date coming up in August 2022. Freepik

There are a number of scholarship options available to students pursuing education in India
The G.P. Birla scholarship is available to meritorious students, particularly those from West Bengal

In today’s time, the fees for many educational institutions are not easy to afford. Education is a pricey investment, especially when it comes to higher education. Often students take up educational loans but end up spending years and years repaying them. This is in no way an ideal situation - and one that often gets in the way of deserving students getting access to good education. But scholarships can come to the rescue.

Every year, a number of different organisations, charitable, non-profits, government or private, offer a range of scholarships specially meant for Indian students who find it difficult to afford education. They can have various eligibility requirements, the foremost being merit. They also come in two different forms - either a lump sum payment or payment every semester or academic year, which are then renewed based on certain conditions. Scholarships, unlike student loans, do not have to be returned, which significantly reduces the burden on the student and their family. 75 Scholarship on the 75th Independence Day Of India by the UK. Read the significant details.Scholarships Available In August 2022

During the pandemic, many student scholarships were established in India to help children and youth who had lost their parents or the family’s primary earning members. There are also other scholarships that have been established many years ago and still continue to enrich the lives of deserving students. We bring you a list of scholarship programmes in India whose last dates for application fall in August 2022.


IET India Scholarship Awards 2022

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) awards undergraduate engineering students this scholarship in recognition of their creativity, innovation, leadership, and achievement. The scholarship seeks to identify and develop India's future engineering leaders. The scholarship is worth INR 10,00,000.

The Last Date To Apply is 1 August 2022

Rolls-Royce Unnati Scholarship for Women Engineering Students

Rolls-Royce aims to financially assist 150 female students to complete their engineering degrees over the next three years with the goal of encouraging women to seek education and skill training in STEM fields. The scholarship is open to girl students in 1st or 2nd or 3rd year of Engineering at any institute that is recognised by the AICTE. The scholarship is worth INR 35,000.

The Last Date To Apply is 1 August 2022

Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship was initiated to provide funding for students pursuing nursing degrees who live in self-established leprosy colonies. It is granted for Basic B.Sc. Nursing and GNM degrees. The scholarship is only accessible to students studying in institutes recognised by the Indian Nursing Council. The scholarship grants a monthly stipend of INR 1,000 to students. There is also a maximum limit of INR 88,000 to the financial support any student can get.

The Last Date To Apply is 15 August 2022

G. P Birla Scholarship

The Trust was founded to carry forth the cherished desire of Late Shri G.P.Birla, the renowned Industrialist and Philanthropist, to promote education, develop human resources, and empower the young of the country. Meritorious students, male or female, from West Bengal who have completed the class XII test in 2022 and want financial assistance to continue their studies in any stream of their choosing are eligible for these scholarships. The scholarships granted will cover tuition fees and hostel fees upto an amount of INR 50,000.

The Last Date To Apply is 31 August 2022

Tata Capital Pankh Scholarship

This is a project supported by Tata Capital Limited's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programme. According to their website, through this scholarship programme, students in Classes 6 through 12 or undergraduate (general and professional) degree programmes are given get financial support to help them pursue their academic goals. The scholarships are divided into 3 categories based on level of study and cover up to 80% of the fees paid by the student, but within the following limits: INR 12,000 for classes 6 to 12; INR 20,000 for undergraduate programmes; and INR 50,000 for professional undergraduate degrees.

The Last Date To Apply is 31 August 2022

Pradhan Mantri Rashtra Bal Purashkar 2023

An initiative by the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Government of India, Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2023 will reward Indian children under the age of 18 for their distinction in areas such as innovation, academics, sports, arts, culture, social service, music, and other areas.

The Last Date To Apply is 31 August 2022

JK Lakshmi Vidya Scholarship For UG & PG Students

The JK Lakshmi Vidya Scholarship is given out by JK Lakshmi Cement as a part of their CSR programme, in collaboration with the vidyasaarathi portal. It provides financial aid to young students from low-income families to continue their studies. There are separate scholarships for UG and PG students, both worth INR 25,000.

The Last Date To Apply is 31 August 2022

Being awarded a scholarship is a major accomplishment, regardless of whether you are in college or studying in high school. So, if you are looking for a scholarship, go and apply for the ones that apply to you, within their applicable last date.

Last updated on 16 Jul 2022
15:39 PM
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