AIBE 19 Results 2024: Release Date, Steps & Criteria

The Bar Council of India (BCI) is set to declare the results for the All India Bar Examination 19 (AIBE XIX) shortly on its official website, Candidates who have appeared for the examination will be able to check and download their results online.
Steps to Download AIBE 19 Result 2024
Candidates who qualify in the examination will be awarded a Certificate of Practice (CoP). The Bar Council of India will provide updates regarding the availability of CoP on its official website. Qualified candidates will receive their certificates through their respective State Bar Councils, where they are registered.
The AIBE 19 result will contain key details such as the candidate's name, enrollment number, result status, roll number, photograph, signature, qualifying marks, and total marks secured.
AIBE 19 Passing Criteria
The qualifying marks for AIBE 19 are set at 45% for candidates in the general category. Meanwhile, candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), or Persons with Disabilities (PWD) categories need to secure a minimum of 40% to pass the examination.