Study abroad

XISS Ranchi hosts interactive session with US consul general Melinda Pavek

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 19 Feb 2022
10:39 AM
US consul general, Calcutta, Melinda Pavek with XISS director Joseph Marianus Kujur.

US consul general, Calcutta, Melinda Pavek with XISS director Joseph Marianus Kujur. Source: XISS

Focus on teaching students logical thought processes and ways to research
XISS plans to expand into a university soon and the groundwork is underway

Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS), Ranchi, was acquainted with the prospects of studying in the USA at an interactive session with US consul general, Calcutta, Melinda Pavek.

Pavek said her visit was aimed at learning from and engaging with academicians to promote Indo-US relations. “Education is where we start countering the misinformation with information, by teaching our students logical thought processes and ways to research, identify their own biases, ways to approach their and others cultural norms through curiosity helping them become socially aware professionals. Through this, we bring different groups together, find commonalities, uniqueness and build a society for all. Both India and the US have realised that we can either go in the positive or negative direction with the technology that we have. The focus should be on ‘We’, the People, ‘We’, the Nation, ‘We’, the allies and the direction that we want to go together which is good for the greater good,” she said.

The interactive session also shed light on Indo-US academic relations, future prospects of XISS students pursuing higher education in the US through collaborative projects, exploring opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning, cultural exchange programmes and easier visa processes.


Pavek was accompanied by Travis Coberly, economic officer, North India Office, US Department of State; Sangeeta De Chanda, economic specialist; Deepa Dutta, media specialist; and Abhijit Sharma; foreign service national investigator.

XISS Ranchi director Joseph Marianus Kujur thanked the US consul general for choosing XISS for this interactive session.

Recalling the humble beginning of the institute in 1955 and its motto of social service, Kujur shed light on the core orientation, vision and mission of the institute. He explained the institute’s role in the field of education and the social sector.

Kujur highlighted the interventions done at the state and district level during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Through project proposals developed here at XISS since 2010, we focussed on several tribal issues alongside management issues like displacement, migration, livelihood concerns, climate change, peace and reconciliation. My book named Religion, Conversion and Identity highlights this issue in-depth as well,” he said.

Sharing the future plans for XISS, he said: “We look forward to collaborating with the US consulate. XISS plans to expand into a university soon and the groundwork is underway. The university will be inclusive of XISS, Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology (XIPT) and other technical institutes from the field of Nursing, Agriculture, the Centre for Dialogue and the Centre for Research Studies. This is our plan keeping our focus on Vision 2025 which ensures academic rigour, industry interface, alumni relations and institute and student-led activities.”

XISS assistant director Pradeep Kerketta presented the vote of thanks.

Last updated on 19 Feb 2022
10:39 AM
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