XAT 2023: Admit Card will be out on 26 Dec 2022 at xatonline.in; Know the steps to download

On 26 December 2022, XLRI Jamshedpur will publish the online XAT admit card for the examination in the year 2023 on the official website, xatonline.in. Using their XAT login information and password, candidates can download their XAT admit card for the 2023 exam.
The Xavier Aptitude Test, also known as XAT, will be conducted on 8th January 2023, using a computer-based assessment format. Candidates are required to download the admit card and take a printout and carry it with them to the examination hall along with their valid photo ID.
XAT Admit Card 2023: Steps To Download
Candidates who are appearing for the XAT Examination can follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of XAT
Step 2: On the homepage of the website, click on the link of Admit Card 2023
Step 3: Enter your login credentials to view the admit card
Step 4: The admit card will be displayed in a new tab
Step 5: Check if all the details are correct, download the admit card as a PDF and take a printout as well for future reference