WBCHSE 2022: Higher Secondary results to be declared soon

The West Bengal Higher Secondary Exams 2022 results are likely to be announced soon.
The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE), which conducts the Class XII board exams in three streams — Science, Arts and Commerce — will put up the results on its official website https://wbresults.nic.in/. Results will also be available on The Telegraph Online website.
Students will have to enter their roll number to view their results.
More than 7 lakh students appeared for the Higher Secondary exams in West Bengal held offline from April 2 to April 27.
The board examinations for Class XII students were conducted by the WBCHSE after a year’s gap. The 2020 examinations began before the COVID-19 outbreak but had to scrapped midway because of the pandemic.
In 2021, the Higher Secondary exams were cancelled owing to the second wave of COVID-19. Students of both the batches were given marks on the basis of their performances in the previous years.
Once the results are out, the council will provide reevaluation and recounting forms on its official website for students who are unhappy with the evaluation.