RRB NTPC Result 2019: Result out for some regions; get direct link inside

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Chandigarh has released the result for various NTPC Graduate and Undergraduate Posts under CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) on its official website. Candidates who had appeared in various round of selection process under CBTs (1&2) and CBT ST (For Category 4 & 5) followed by document verification and medical examination can download RRB NTPC Result 2019 from the official website of RRB Chandigarh-rrb cdg.gov.in.
As per the official notice released, “Further action for appointment will be taken by the Northern Railway after verification of eligibility conditions and original testimonials as per CEN No.01/2019(NTPC). Candidates shall be informed accordingly by the office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi, for the above.”
RRB NTPC Result 2019: Steps to download
RRB NTPC Result 2019: Direct link
The result for NTPC (Graduate and Undergraduate posts) including Goods Guard, Jr. Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Clerk Cum Typist,Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk and other posts are based on the performance of candidates in CBTs (1&2) and CBT ST (For Category 4 & 5) followed by document verification and medical examination.