RRB NTPC Level 2 Result: Cut-off and result both declared at rrbcdg.gov.in; get direct link here

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the result and cut-off for the Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) 2019 level 2. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check the list of selected candidates on the official website -rrbcdg.gov.in.
A total of 463 candidates have been shortlisted for document verification. The date of commencement of DV will be notified shortly on the official website of RRB. Candidates shortlisted for DV will receive an SMS and email to download the e-call letter from RRB website.
RRB in an official notification said, “Candidates bearing the Roll Numbers listed herein under have been provisionally shortlisted for the Document Verification (DV) for the posts notified in Pay Level – 2, based on their score/performance in 2nd stage CBT ,CBTST and the priority for various posts in Pay level -2 furnished by them in the online application.”
RRB NTPC Result Level-2- Click here
RRB NTPC Result Level-2: Steps to check
Candidates who were called for DV to pay level-6 but couldn’t be empanelled due to reasons like being absent, lower medical fitness etc., are also considered for posts in level 5 based on their merit and medical fitness, the board added.
RRB further notified that on the completion of DV, candidates will have to undergo a medical exam at railway hospitals by paying a fee of Rs 24.