NIOS 10th, 12th Admit Card 2023 released for practical exams; Get direct link here

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has issued the admit card for class 10th and 12th practical exams 2023. Students who will sit for the practical examination can now download their NIOS admit card 2023 by visiting the official website: It must further be noted that to download their NIOS 10th, 12th hall ticket for practical exams, applicants must log in with their NIOS enrollment number.
Steps to download NIOS 10th, 12th practical admit card 2023
Click here to download your admit card directly
The NIOS class 10 and class 12 practical exams are all set to take place in March and April 2023. Students appearing for the examinations are further suggested to carefully read all the instructions given in the NIOS admit card and follow them strictly.