Jamia Millia Islamia launches entrepreneurship cell for students and alumni

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) of Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) in New Delhi has launched a student-run Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) which would function as a one-stop platform for all JMI students and alumni who wish to learn about the intricacies of the startup ecosystem and choose to be an entrepreneur.
The cell aims to provide all kinds of help to university students and alumni to take their start-ups from the ideation stage to incubation and help them grow into full-fledged business ventures. For the same, the cell is building an investors’ pool and connecting with various mentors and industry experts to facilitate the resource allocation to the students with the help of CIE.
Under the E-Cell, the following clubs have been created:
· Programming club
· Robotics club
· Animation and Web Development club
· Biotech club
· Entrepreneurship club
· Finance Club
· Research club.
Several teams have also been constituted to facilitate the proper working of the cell and to lend a hand to the aforementioned clubs in their endeavours. The names of the teams are:
· Events Planning team
· Outreach and Corporate Relations team
· Graphic Designing team
· Social Media team
· HR team
The cell will also be conducting various code fests, Toycathons, coding challenges, robotics challenges, and guest lectures by entrepreneurs and investors among others. To help students understand the startup environment better, it also plans to conduct workshops on important areas such as ideation, Intellectual Property Rights, patents, design thinking, funding pitch making and business canvas model.
The cell will conduct field trips to startup facilities, incubation centres and all other institutions related to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The CIE also envisions running various entrepreneurship development programmes and short-term courses to promote the startup culture.
The official Twitter handle of E-Cell of JMI is ecelljmi. It is also active on Instagram and Twitter.