
India overtakes China to become the largest nation to receive study visas for the United Kingdom

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 26 Aug 2022
11:43 AM

Source: pixahive

The Indian subcontinent has now overtaken China to become the largest nation to receive sponsored study visas
This has seen an increase of 89% from the previous year

The Indian subcontinent has now overtaken China to become the largest nation to receive sponsored study visas of the United Kingdom.

As per the latest UK Immigration Statistics released on Thursday around 118,000 Indian students in year end. There has been an increase of 89% from the previous year. Indian nationals also continue to be the top citizens who were granted Skilled work visas that accounted for 46% of the skilled work visas issued universally.

Alex Ellis, British High Commissioner to India, said: “India first again. I'm delighted that Indian nationals were issued the largest number of UK study, work and visitor visas in the year ending June 2022. More strength to the unique living bridge that connects our people."


“As this shows, we're experiencing unprecedented demand for visas. I encourage students starting courses soon to apply as early as possible,” he added.

Last updated on 26 Aug 2022
11:43 AM
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