
Department of School Education and Literacy to observe Iconic Week

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 16 Jan 2022
17:55 PM
The events will be conducted in hybrid mode because of the pandemic.

The events will be conducted in hybrid mode because of the pandemic. Source: Shutterstock

Webinars and other events to be held from January 17 to 21
Senior officials of the Union ministry of education, principals, parents and other stakeholders will participate in the event

The Department of School Education and Literacy will observe Iconic Week from January 17 to 21.

A series of events, including a two-day international webinar on Toys and Games to Play, Make and Learn, the 27th National Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes and a webinar on inclusive education, will be held.

The webinar on inclusive education will be organised in collaboration with Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) on January 17 in hybrid mode. The theme of the webinar will be ‘Ed Tech start-ups focused on children with special needs’.


Senior officials of the Union ministry of education, principals, state industrial engineering coordinators, parents and other stakeholders will participate in the event.

The main objective of the webinar is to make parents and teachers aware of the technology and assistive devices available for children with special needs.

The Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) will organise the 27th edition of National Conference of its Sahodaya School Complexes on the theme ‘Punarnava– Rediscovery of India @75’ in collaboration with the Sahodaya School Complex, Gwalior, on January 17 and 18 in hybrid mode. The conference aims to engage participants in co-creating and contributing towards a sustainable future. It also aims to enable principals and management of CBSE-affiliated schools to understand the new policies and innovative practices that have been launched by the board in pursuance of the National Education Policy 2020.

A two-day international webinar will be organised on January 20 and 21, with the aim to rediscover the role of toys in cognitive development of children and to promote the art of creating toys with the help of low/no-cost materials that are not only environmentally sustainable but ignite creativity collaboration and problem-solving skills in children.

On the two days of the webinar, the focus will be on different aspects of toys at all stages of school education across all subjects and their mapping; pedagogical implications of toys; toys and games as learning through play and make; living/ local tradition of toy making; courses for designing toys and games as skill courses in school education etc. The outcome of the webinar will lay a roadmap for infusion and integration of toys and games in education at all stages.

Last updated on 16 Jan 2022
17:55 PM
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