AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023: Major updates on result release date; know details inside

The Bar Council of India (BCI) is likely to declare the All India Bar Examination (AIBE XVII Results 2023) in the second week of April. Law aspirants who had appeared for the AIBE 17 2023 examination held on 5 February will be able to check the result on the official website-, once released.
The Edugraph Online Team reached out to the Bar Council of India. There are indications that the result might be released in the second week of April. Candidates will also be able to download the AIBE 2023 qualifying certificate from the official website.
The Council allowed candidates to raise objections against the AIBE 17 answer key 2023 till 20 February. Although the BCI official website earlier announced to declare results after 20 February but no particular result date was announced.
AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023: Steps to check
Candidates who qualify the AIBE 2023 exam will be awarded the Certificate of Practice (COP) law in India. General category candidates will have to secure a minimum passing mark of 40%, while SC and ST candidates should score 35% to qualify the Law exam.