A study on foundational literacy and numeracy of class 3 students issued by Edu Ministry

The results of the survey on fundamental reading and numeracy skills of more than 86,000 Class 3 students throughout India were released by the education ministry on Wednesday. According to the ministry, more than 18,000 teachers participated in the survey, which included students from 10,000 schools.
Foundational literacy and numeracy assessments look at students' proficiency in reading, writing, and fundamental math. The study's findings will be utilised to create interventions at the school level. It was based on a survey that was done in 20 languages.
The National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Study have not yet released an official comprehensive report on its findings.
The International Bureau of Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) developed the Global Ability Framework as a way to measure reading and math proficiency for various levels. On a similar accomplishment scale ranging from poor to high, students are evaluated on four levels: below partially meets, partially meets, meets, and exceeds global minimum competency.
One of the most important objectives of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, according to the ministry, is achieving fundamental reading and numeracy.
The Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission, part of NEP 2020, intends to ensure that by the end of Class 3, every child has met the foundational learning criteria by 2026–2027.