Pathways School Noida trains teachers in International Baccalaureate curriculum

Pathways School Noida trained more than 70 teachers from government schools in Delhi in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle-Year Programme (MYP) curriculum
IB MYP Curriculum, after a special request from the Government of Delhi came to train Delhi Government school teachers.
The free training session was organised in keeping with the government's aim of bringing international curriculum to the Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE). Teachers from top government schools such as SBV Suraj Mal Vihar, SKV Mayur Vihar Phase 1 Pocket 4, SKV Suraj Mal Vihar, SKV Laxmi Nagar, SKV Vivek Vihar, and many others attended the session.
Participating teachers were guided on the various aspects of IB such as vertical curriculum planning support and familiared with IB terminologies. They were also given an overview of inquiry-based teaching, along with interdisciplinary learning.
“Pathways Schools are among the top IB schools in India and the only IB Continuum school chain in North India. We are extremely proud that our teachers have the dedication to freely volunteer extra time to promote this learning. It is creditable how the Government of Delhi understood the benefits of IB education and gave us the opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise with the government school teachers.” said Shalini Advani, director, Pathways School Noida.
The session helped teachers get an idea about IB philosophy, curriculum and the paradigm shift in teaching methods and assessment as well as the focus on providing equal opportunity to students to participate in the classroom.
Teachers were able to successfully construct unit plans in collaboration with their colleagues and get clarity on the concept of skill and concept-based curriculum.
Pathways School Noida, will conduct three or more such sessions to train around 300 to 350 teachers.