Assistant Professor vs Associate Professor: How Do They Differ?

Do you often find yourself dreaming in class about what it’d be like to stand on the other side of the class i.e, in the place of your professor? Have you already considered getting into academia and are preparing for the same, but the various ranks confuse you? As students, we often overlook these basic distinctions of Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Professor. But the fact is that there are distinct differences - both in terms of responsibilities and opportunities.
In this article, we'll look at the major differences between an associate professor and an assistant professor.
Assistant Professor: An assistant professor is a college or university's entry-level or junior faculty member. They often possess an MPhil or PhD and have a significant amount of research and teaching experience in their particular field of specialisation. Despite not having tenure, assistant professors carry out all the responsibilities of a tenured professor. They are either hired for a "non-tenure or temporary" post and are only employed for a period of time between one and three years, or they are hired as "tenure track" faculty and are only eligible for permanent positions after five to seven years. Usually, they help with lesson planning and monitor students' assignments and assessments to assess their progress.
Associate Professor: Associate professor is the title given to assistant professors who have been promoted. They are professors at the medium level who have earned their doctorate or Ph.D. and have at least 8 to 9 years of experience teaching students. However, to obtain the title of associate professor, a candidate must carry out solid research to advance their expertise in the relevant field and publish their findings in scholarly publications and papers. An associate professor's duties and job structure are largely the same as those of an assistant professor, however, there is a significant distinction between the two in that an associate professor frequently has tenure and more work experience.
Assistant Professor: To become an assistant professor, one must, nevertheless, complete the required educational requirements which include: Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral & Work Experience.
Associate Professor: A PhD is a mandatory qualification for applicants seeking direct recruitment as an associate professor. You can also advance to associate professor in a college by starting out as a lecturer or assistant professor and getting a promotion.
Job Responsibilities
Both associate and assistant professors have fairly similar responsibilities, including course teaching, conducting research in their areas of expertise, and performing different administrative tasks.
However, associate professors are supposed to create their own study area, whereas assistant professors often focus on the themes assigned by a full professor. Associate professors have higher job security and more academic flexibility in this regard.
Job Tenure
Assistant professors typically have a six-year contract, and after the fifth year, they can seek tenure. Candidates must note that it may take up to a year to apply for tenure. An assistant professor can advance to associate professor status if he successfully completes a thorough examination of his body of work.
Associate professors, on the other hand, are either in the process of getting tenure or have it already. They can also submit a promotion application to become full professors after a few years if their body of work has significantly expanded after they were made an associate professor. It takes a few years to complete this process because a committee must examine all of the candidate's writings, research, and teaching.
One of the industries in the nation that is expanding the fastest is education. With a high enrollment rate, this population of 400 million offers a significant market and an excellent opportunity for lecturers, professors, and teachers. The opportunity to continue researching, reading, and writing while still participating in the intellectual adventure is only possible when one is in a professor post, whether in an associate or assistant role. Your passion for academics should generally come first when considering whether or not to become a professor, regardless of the other factors you take into consideration.