In Pictures| IIEST Shibpur Organised Kriti 5.0 With Pomp and Grandeur

The Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (IIEST Shibpur) celebrated with great pomp and grandeur its annual art festival "Kriti 5.0" from January 17-19, 2025 in the institute premises.
It was a splendid show of art, creativity and innovation, jointly organised by the student club SCAGE (The Society for Creative Arts and Green Environment, a society under the Centre for Creative Expression of IIEST, Shibpur), and the Institution's Innovation Council (IIC 7.0), under the patronage of the Hon’ble Director, Prof. V.M.S.R Murthy.
The event was graced by eminent art personalities including the famous sculptor Shri. Tarak Garai, Prof. Khokon Raut, faculty at the Department of Visual Arts, University of Kalyani, attendees from different institutions across Kolkata and guest artists affiliated to the Academy of Fine Arts.
The inaugural ceremony was conducted at the Institute Hall on January 17, 7:00 pm onwards.
The three days festival witnessed a wide range of events, starting from innovative competitions like “Enigma Escape” targeted at encouraging collaboration and problem-solving skills, to several demonstrations on creative art forms “ArtCade” to foster a sense of creativity and positive energy among the young participants, contributing to their holistic development while aligning with the vision of the New Education Policy (NEP 2020).
It included a clay modelling workshop "Mud & Masterpieces" involving artisans from Kumartuli, an art exhibition at the renowned Netaji Bhavan of the campus, display of Doodle art in “The Little Doodle Shop”, Face painting to depict “Fragmented Fantasies” of the budding minds, Graffiti art for improving mental health, developing creativity, and building self-confidence among the students, and a dedicated competition on "Rust to Riches" themed around utilizing scrap to sustainable re-usable items and to ideate something interesting and efficient, out of the junk which can be utilized for the institute campus.
The highlights of the festival included an outdoor workshop in the Oval Grounds, "Mindful Meadows" conducted by Prof. Khokon Raut on creative painting for fostering positive mental health and well-being of the students, and group presentations "Eco Vision" themed around innovative start-up ideas related to green environment and environmental conservation.
The celebration concluded with its signature event “Vougue -E-Bella” on January 19, which included depicting of creative art forms on fabric and weaving imagery and stories into fabric.