IIT Delhi collaborates with NLU Delhi for ushering in tech-powered justice system

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 30 Nov 2021
16:02 PM
The collaboration looks forward to presenting pioneering research in the areas of law, science and technology

The collaboration looks forward to presenting pioneering research in the areas of law, science and technology Facebook

The collaboration comes within the ambit of the multi-institutional faculty interdisciplinary projects (MFIRP) scheme of the research and development (R&D) unit of IIT Delhi
IIT Delhi and NLU Delhi have sanctioned joint projects on forensic investigations of inherent algorithmic biases and their legal ramifications for India

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and the National Law University Delhi (NLUD) have signed an agreement to establish the “NLUD-IITD Collaborative Platform” for initiating wide ranging research and academic collaborations in various interdisciplinary areas.

These include:

  • Law and technology, including operations research-artificial intelligence, forensic science, cyber laws and cybercrimes.
  • Law and development, including official statistics, international trade, migration, climate change, sustainable development and environmental law.
  • Law and justice including ethics, alternative dispute resolution and criminal law and justice.


The collaboration comes within the ambit of the multi-institutional faculty interdisciplinary projects (MFIRP) scheme of the research and development (R&D) unit of IIT Delhi.

Under the scheme, IIT Delhi and NLU Delhi have sanctioned joint projects on forensic investigations involving human DNA samples and investigation of inherent algorithmic biases and their legal ramifications for India.

The outcomes from these collaborative initiatives are expected to have a profound impact at the national level.

Expressing a strong support for the new partnership between the two institutes, Prof V. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi said, “The signing of this agreement for student exchange and launch of the seed fund for supporting collaborative research between IIT Delhi and NLU Delhi marks an important milestone in bringing law and technology together for a translational impact.”

The vice-chancellor of NLU Delhi, Srikrishna Deva Rao said, “The National Law University Delhi is committed to high quality and rigorous interdisciplinary research. The launch of our joint seed funding scheme with IIT Delhi marks a significant moment for the NLUD family, and together with IIT Delhi, we look forward to presenting pioneering research in the areas of law, science and technology.”

Last updated on 30 Nov 2021
16:02 PM
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