CBSE Result 2023: Class 10, 12 re-evaluation, verification starts today; Know how to apply here

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will initiate the Class 10th, 12th re-evaluation, verification process from today, 16 May 2023 onwards. Applicants who appeared for the CBSE board exams 2023 and are not satisfied with their marks in the CBSE Class 10, 12 exams can now send in their CBSE answer sheets for re-evaluation and verification.
It must further be noted that applicants will be required to pay the re-evaluation and verification fee as mentioned while applying on the official website: Applicants even have the choice to get a photocopy of their CBSE Class 12 evaluation answer script. "Only those candidates who apply for verification will be able to apply for obtaining photocopy of answer books on that/those subjects," added the CBSE circular.
Applicants will have to pay Rs 500 for the verification of their marks. Whereas for the photocopy of answer books, Class 12 students are required to deposit Rs 700 and Class 10 applicants will be required to make a payment of Rs 500 only.
Steps to apply for CBSE Class 10, 12 re-evaluation, verification 2023