18 Under 18 Awards

‘I aspire to play at the grand slam level’ says 18 under 18 winner Sohini Sanjay Mohanty

Aditi Gupta
Posted on 05 May 2023
20:45 PM
18 under 18 winner Sohini Sanjay Mohanty Source: Edugraph
Sohini secured the third position in the U-11 Ten-Pro 2019 event at Rafael Nadal Academy, Spain, and received the U-14 Super Series Doubles Crown in 2021. 
Being the number one rank holder in the U-14 girl's category in the state and seventh in India, this 14-year-old is shooting for the stars.

When it comes to unwavering talent and winning accolades, Sohini Sanjay Mohanty is behind few others. The tennis player from Odisha has been given the title of the youngest player from the state to win more than 60 titles. 

Being the number one rank holder in the U-14 girl's category in the state and seventh in India, this 14-year-old is shooting for the stars. Keeping in mind her ultimate goal, she has worked hard with undeterred determination towards it. “I aspire to play tennis at the grand slam level and will do my best.” 

She secured the third position in the U-11 Ten-Pro 2019 event at Rafael Nadal Academy, Spain, and received the U-14 Super Series Doubles Crown in 2021. 


Speaking about The Telegraph 18 Under 18 event and her experience, Sohini says, “The entire event was really good, and being one of the 18 winners amongst so many participants was surprising and also an exciting experience. I didn’t expect I'd win, I just went there and was waiting for the winners to be announced. When I heard my name, I was surprised.”

“The event was organised really well and was professionally handled by everyone. The atmosphere was very nice, it gave me the feeling of being the winner and in the top 18,” concluded Sohini.

Following her passion for tennis is something which keeps her going. She credits her mother with her success in tennis, who has been with her at every step and travels along with her.

The Telegraph Online Edugraph wishes Sohini the best of luck in her future endeavours!

Last updated on 05 May 2023
08:45 PM
18 Under 18 Awards
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