Young Achiever

Aadhya Sachin, 7th grader wins gold at the International Dance World Cup 2023 in Portugal

Nancy Jaiswal
Posted on 24 Aug 2023
14:56 PM
Source: Aadhya Sachin
In an extraordinary showcase of talent on the global arena, the prestigious victory of Aadhya Sachin, a Grade 7 student from Greenwood High International School Bannerghatta, has brought immense pride to the nation
"This win was a huge thing for me. All of us in the group were so worried that we wouldn't win and that all of our hard work would go down the drain"

In an extraordinary showcase of talent on the global arena, the prestigious victory of Aadhya Sachin, a Grade 7 student from Greenwood High International School Bannerghatta, has brought immense pride to the nation. Aadhya's triumphant journey unfolded on the grand stage of the International Dance World Cup 2023, the world's most eminent dance competition, where she not only represented India but also won a gold medal in the Senior Small Group National and Folklore dance category. Aadhya, along with her group, won the award for their scintillating Bharatanatyam performance where they competed against participants from 24 countries in their group category. The Telegraph Online Edugraph spoke to her about her win. “This win was a huge thing for me. All of us in the group were so worried that we wouldn't win and that all of our hard work would go down the drain. But when we won, we were so elated that it barely got into our head. For me, this win made me feel that finally I had achieved something great in my life and our hard work had paid off. It was an immense pleasure waving the INDIAN flag.”, she said.

For her, dancing is a passion that has demanded a journey marked by dedication, discipline, and determination. Hours spent every single day on practice, endless rehearsals, and a commitment to continuous improvement defined this voyage. Each day spent perfecting choreography, refining technique, and embracing challenges bears a testament to the dancer's unwavering dedication. She believed that it's not just about learning the steps; it's about understanding the nuances, embodying the emotions, and becoming one with the rhythm. “Whether it is Bharatanatyam or Kathak, it is about rhythm and expression, both of which I feel are extremely important in everything we do.” added Aadhya. 

Source: Aadhya Sachin

For her the journey to winning the gold medal was a profound experience of personal growth. Every setback, every hurdle, and every critique contributed to her evolution. What sets our young achiever apart as a passionate dancer is her ability to view challenges as opportunities for growth. “Sometimes, I do feel it is impossible to do it [all] together and drop the ball here and there, but the main thing I have learned to do is prioritising. It is very important to learn how to prioritise in order to achieve excellence in life. Even to this day, I sometimes feel that I need to finish homework, assignments and everything in a day. My parents always keep telling me to prioritise work. I am still learning to do this, but will get there hopefully,” Aadhya signed off. 


The Telegraph Online Edugraph wishes Aadhya all the very best for her future endeavours.

Last updated on 24 Aug 2023
02:56 PM
Young Achiever Students Dance Competitions
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